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5000 inspiring quotations pdf download

Book Title 5000 Inspiring Quotations
Book AuthorRadharaman Agarwal
Total Pages457
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5000 inspiring quotations


A quotation is a phrase or passage from a book or speech etc., remembered and repeated, usually with an acknowledgement of its source. Quotations are wisdom in crystal form, as in the words of Benjamin Disraeli, “the wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.”

Hence, we can happily call the quotation an immortal saying that will enlighten, educate, entertain, support and encourage our personal growth.

Quotations are enjoyed not merely for your own pleasure’s sake but can be used to add sparkle to your articles, essays, book, speech, or even everyday talk. A well-turned phrase or a striking wit can create ripples of enjoyment or laughter in an otherwise dull atmosphere or stale party.

A good book of quotations is always a pleasure. This book contains a collection of nearly 5000 quotations and proverbs meticulously selected from the best possible sources, ancient as well as modern. These quotations include the most celebrated lines from Shakespeare and other literary classics, the Bible, the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, and from the sayings and writings of the great men like Buddha, Guru Nanak, and besides these, of some unknown but thoughtful writers, too.

I  owe a large debt to many authors, writers and publishers, whose quotations I have freely used with their names, and to them, my acknowledgements are still due. Finally, a special word of sincere thanks to my dear niece Priyanka Choudhry for her general assistance with proofreading.

How to use this book

This book has been planned and organised with much care to enhance the effect on your self-worth, self-growth, self-confidence and, above all, self-improvement that will help you stay positive on all occasions.

A wide range of subjects is grouped together for quotes containing similar words, or themes – for example, Ability, intelligence and talent, action and deeds, appreciation and approval, character and personality, compliment and praise and so on. Each subject bears the code number.

Quotations are arranged subject-wise (with code number) and the subjects are arranged alphabetically. The subject index given at the beginning directs you to a specific topic with the page numbers on which they appear. Now you can easily select an appropriate quotation for use on almost any subject.

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