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AL-HIDAYAH – THE GUIDANCE VOL1 – 2 pdf download

Book Title Al Hidayah The Guidance
Book AuthorBurhan al-Din al-Farghani al-Marghinani
Total Pages1124
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Al-Hidayah THE GUIDANCE Burhan al-Din al-Farghani al-Marghinani – A Translation of Al-Hidayah Fi Sharh Bidayat Al-Mubtadi’ A Classical Manual of Hanafi Law: Volume One Translated from the Arabic with Introduction, Commentary and Notes by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee


Book Description

Al-Hidayah: The Guidance is a classical manual of Hanafi law that has been translated from Arabic into English by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee. This volume one of the book is a comprehensive guide to the Islamic practices of Taharah (Purification), Salat (Prayer), Zakat (Poor-Due), Sawm (Fasting), Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca), Nikah (Marriage), Rada (Fosterage), and Talaq (Divorce).

The book starts with an introduction by the translator, which gives an overview of the Hanafi school of Islamic law and its significance in the Islamic world. The translator has also provided a commentary and notes to help readers understand the text better.

The author’s preface sets the tone for the book, emphasizing the importance of following the Islamic teachings and the role of the Hanafi school in guiding Muslims in their daily lives. The book is then divided into eight chapters, each dealing with a specific aspect of Islamic law.

The first chapter deals with Taharah or Purification, which is the process of cleansing oneself before performing any act of worship. This chapter covers the obligatory acts of ablution, factors that annul minor ablution, bathing, water with which minor ablution is permissible, substitute ablution with clean earth, and impurities and their cleansing.

The second chapter deals with Salat or Prayer, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. This chapter covers the prayer timings, recommendations about timings, timings in which prayer is disapproved, the call to prayer, the conditions that precede prayer, and the description of prayer.

The third chapter deals with Zakat or Poor-Due, which is the mandatory charity given by Muslims. This chapter covers the types of wealth on which Zakat is due, the recipients of Zakat, the amount of Zakat to be given, and the distribution of Zakat.

The fourth chapter deals with Sawm or Fasting, which is the act of abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan. This chapter covers the rules of fasting, exemptions from fasting, breaking the fast, and making up missed fasts.

The fifth chapter deals with Hajj or Pilgrimage to Mecca, which is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims who can afford it. This chapter covers the rules of Hajj, the rituals of Hajj, and the etiquette of Hajj.

The sixth chapter deals with Nikah or Marriage, which is a sacred bond between a man and a woman in Islam. This chapter covers the conditions and requirements of marriage, the rights and duties of spouses, and divorce.

The seventh chapter deals with Rada or Fosterage, which is the act of breastfeeding a child by a woman who is not the child’s biological mother. This chapter covers the rules of fosterage, its legal implications, and its impact on marriage.

The eighth and final chapter deals with Talaq or Divorce, which is the dissolution of marriage in Islam. This chapter covers the different types of divorce, the conditions for divorce, and its legal consequences.

The book also includes a glossary of terms and an index to help readers navigate through the text. In conclusion, Al-Hidayah: The Guidance is a valuable resource for Muslims who want to understand and follow the Hanafi school of Islamic law. The book is well-written, comprehensive, and easy to understand, making it an essential addition to any library on Islamic studies.

Book Contents
  • Sec. i: Recitation in Prayer 126
  • Ch. 12: Imamah (Leading the Prayers) 133
  • Ch. 13: Ritual Impurity (Hadath) During Prayer 141
  • Ch. 14: Factors Nullifying Prayer and Things Disapproved 149
  • Sec. 1: Disapproved Acts 154
  • Sec. 2: Etiquette for the Privy and the Mosque 158
  • Ch. 15: The Witr Prayer 159
  • Ch. 16: Nawdfil (Supererogatory Prayers) 163
  • Sec. 1: Recitation 165
  • Sec. 2: Prayer During the Month of Ramadan 170
  • Ch. 17: Catching the Definitive Obligation (Faridah) 173
  • Ch. 18: Delayed Substitute Performance {Qadd’) 179
  • Ch. 19: Prostrations of Error During Prayer 183
  • Ch. 20; Prayer During Illness 191
  • Ch. 21; Prostrations of Recitation 197
  • Ch. 22: Praying During Journey (Safar) 203
  • Ch. 23: The Friday Prayer {Salat al-Jumu‘ah) 209
  • Ch. 24: The Prayer of the Two ‘Ids 217
  • Sec. 1: The Takhirs of Tashriq 221
  • Ch. 25: The Eclipse Prayer 223
  • Ch. 26: The Seeking of Rain 225
  • Ch. 27: Prayer in a State of Fear 227
  • Ch. 28: Funerals (Jand’iz) 229
  • Sec. 1: Bathing the Deceased 229
  • Sec. 2: The Shroud 231
  • Sec. 3: Prayer over the Deceased 232
  • Sec. 4: Carrying of the Bier 236
  • Sec. 5: Burial 237
  • Ch. 29: The Shahid (Martyr) 239
  • Ch. 30: Prayers Inside the Ka’bah 243
  • BOOK III: Zakdt (Poor-Due) 245
  • Ch. 31: The Obligation of Zakdt 247
  • Ch. 32: Sadaqah of Pasturing Animals 255
  • Sec. 1: Ibil (Camels) 255
  • Sec. 2: Baqar (Cattle—Cows and Oxen) 257
  • Sec. 3; Ghanam (Sheep and Goats) 258
  • Sec. 4: Khayl (Horses) 259

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