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Home » Analysis of ABA and Drought Stress Mediated Gene Expression in the Desiccation Tolerant Resurrection Plant Craterostigma plantagineum pdf

Analysis of ABA and Drought Stress Mediated Gene Expression in the Desiccation Tolerant Resurrection Plant Craterostigma plantagineum pdf

Analysis of ABA and Drought Stress Mediated Gene Expression in the Desiccation Tolerant Resurrection Plant Craterostigma plantagineum
book-title-icon-openmaktabaBook Title: Analysis of ABA and Drought Stress Mediated Gene Expression in the Desiccation Tolerant Resurrection Plant Craterostigma plantagineum
book-author-icon-openmaktabaBook Author: Smith-Espinoza Claudia J.
book-category-icon-openmaktabaBook Category: Resurrection- Articles
book-type-icon-openmaktabaBook Type: PDF Article
number-of-pages-icon-openmaktabaBook Pages: 144
book-size-in-mbs-openmaktabaPDF Size: 10.08 Mb(s)
date-of-publishing-article-openmaktabaArticle Date: Monday, January 01, 2001
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book-post-date-icon-openmaktabaPost Date: 31/07/2023
used-language-icon-openmaktabaLanguage: English
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Analysis of ABA and Drought Stress Mediated Gene Expression in the Desiccation Tolerant Resurrection Plant Craterostigma plantagineum

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Analysis of ABA and Drought Stress Mediated Gene Expression in the Desiccation Tolerant Resurrection Plant Craterostigma plantagineum, 144- pages

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