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Book Title Comprehensive Duaa
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Comprehensive Duaa


  • Introduction. 9
  • Translator’s Note.13
  • Chapter 1: Du’aa’: Essence and Value.19
  • Chapter 2: Du’aa’: Conditions and
  • Etiquette.27
  • Chapter 3: Opportune Situations
  • For Answering Du’aa’ .35
  • Chapter 4: Du’aa’ from the
  • Glorious Qur’an.43
  • Chapter 5: Du’aa’ from the Sunnah.79

He says,

Du’aa’ (supplication) is the best provision for the Appointed Day, the greatest activity of believers, and the essence of worship,

 I have – by Allah’s Grace – selected from the Qur’an and the Sunnah a collection of supplications that are beneficial at all times, and that can be easily learnt and used by all. This selection, named Comprehensive Du ‘aa ’, represents

Book 2 in the The Believer’s Provision Series – may Allah il® make it beneficial to Muslims.

The selected Qur’anic supplications are arranged according to the order of Suras. The supplications from the Sunnah are taken from Sahih AL-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

The effort put into this work is intended to please Allah 5® through promoting the Sunnah of His Prophet 3H.

May His blessings be upon those involved in its promotion by means of writing, reading, memorizing and dissemination. Allah 5® is

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