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Dawah to Atheists


Da’wah to the atheists and deists

Atheist is one who believes that there is no God.

A little philosophy inclineth men’s minds to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds to religion – Bacon By night an atheist half believes a God – Young (Webster’s, p. 118)

Deism. 1. The belief that God exists and created the world but thereafter assumed no control over it or the lives of people.

2. In philosophy, the belief that reason is sufficient to prove the existence of God, with the consequent rejection of revelation and authority. (Webster’s, p. 479)

Agnostic. One who thinks it is impossible to know whether there is a God or a future life, or anything beyond material phenomena. The name was suggested by Huxley in 1869.

Agnosticism. In theology, the doctrine that God is unknown and unknowable. 3. In philosophy, the doctrine that a first cause and the essential nature of things are unknowable to man.

By agnosticism, I understand a theory of things which abstains from either affirming or denying the existence of God; all it undertakes to affirm is that, upon existing evidence, the being of God is unknown. – G. J. Romanes (Webster’s, p. 37)

Belief in God’s existence.

First and foremost, it should be noted that belief in God’s existence is not illogical, as modern atheists would have mankind believe. Ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle rationally concluded that God must exist. Plato () argued from design that there must be a designer.

When human beings come across footprints on a beach, they immediately conclude that a human being had walked by there some time previously.

 It would be quite illogical to imagine that the waves from the sea settled in the sand and by chance produced a depressions looking exactly like human footprints.

Consequently, it is not surprising to find that all human societies throughout human history, with very few exceptions, have believed in the existence of God.

It is only in the 20th century that whole societies have been established based on the denial of God’s existence. Russia and China and states under their control systematically taught atheism in all of their institutions of learning.

However, after the fall of the soviet system and the abandonment of communist economics in China, the resurgence of religion in both countries has been phenomenal.

Anthropologists and psychologists have long held that belief in God was acquired by nurture.

This was a natural result of their Darwinian views, which considered humans essentially animals, and thus the absence of religion among apes indicated that it must be man-made. In fact Freud proposed that the oedipal-complex was the basis of human belief in God.

 Yet, some modern researchers increasingly leaned to the conclusion that belief in God must be natural for it to be so wide-spread. In 1997 experimental evidence for the inherent belief in God was found.

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