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hadhrat nuh peace be upon him pdf download

Book Title Hadhrat Nuh
Book AuthorRashid Ahmad Chaudhry
Total Pages16
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Book Contents

  • Introduction Historical background
  • The age of Hadhrat Nub People return to idol worship
  • Hadhrat Nub conveys the message of the Unity of God
  • Hadhrat Nub builds an ark
  • The mighty flood, a punishment
  • The ark floats with Hadhrat Nub and his followers on board.
  • Allah saves the believers The ark rests on a mountain
  • Glad tidings to Hadhrat Nub and his followers
  • Questions Glossary References

Hadhrat Nuh – historical background

In ancient times, there lived a Prophet called Hadhrat Nuh or Noah, peace be upon him. The Bible tells us that his father’s name was Lamech and that he lived nine generations after Hadhrat Adam, peace be upon him.

Hadhrat Nuh was a Law-bearing Prophet meaning that he brought Shariah, a Divine Law. The Law was revealed to him because in his time the human mind had reached such a stage of development that it was able to understand and comprehend Divine attributes.

 Moreover, as people in Hadhrat Nuh’ s time laid down the foundation of human civilization, those evils that normally appear in a civilized society began to appear in them. So a Divine Law was needed to guide mankind to the right path.

There are two kinds of Prophets sent by God Almighty. Some Prophets bring a new Law or Shariah. There are others who do not bring a new Law but follow the Law or Shariah of the previous Law- Bearing Prophet.

The Bible tells us that Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.1 ‘Walking with God,’ means that all his acts were according to the Will of God.

 He lived in a valley surrounded by huge mountains in Mesopotamia in Southern Iraq. There were a great many springs flowing from the mountains in that area.

The age of hadhrat nuh

The Holy Qur’an says, “Certainly We sent Nuh to his people and he lived among them a thousand years less fifty. “2 Therefore his age is mentioned as 950 years in the Holy Qur’ an while the Bible gives his age as 952 years. This does not mean that he lived for 950 or 952 years. It is difficult to determine his actual age.

 Only Allah knows best. The period, which the Holy Qur’an or the Bible describes, is not the span of Hadhrat Nuh’s physical life. This period is in fact the time Hadhrat Nuh’s teachings lasted. The Shariah introduced through him remained in force for about one thousand years. Many Prophets followed this law until God revealed a new one. It extended to the time of Hadhrat Ibrahim, peace be upon ·him, as he followed Hadhrat Nuh’ s Shariah.

 It seems that the first fifty years of Hadhrat Nuh’s ministry were the years of spiritual progress for his community after which the spiritual condition of his followers began to deteriorate. This deterioration became complete in nine hundred years.

People return to idol worship

The people of Hadhrat Nuh’s time had become corrupt. Instead of worshipping the One and Only God they had started to worship idols made of wood or stone. They had many idols. Five of them were very popular. Their names were Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Yauq and Nasr. It is said that people at the time of Hadhrat Nuh used to make statues in memory of their pious people who were long dead and place them where these pious people used to sit.

Later they deviated from the true path and started worshipping them. They were convinced that the idols would help them in their time of need so they used to beg

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