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Jeffrey Hadler Hamka Home Fatherhood Succession pdf

Jeffrey Hadler Hamka Home Fatherhood Succession.pdf
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150 Jeffrey Had ter enjoyed during the Japanese occupation. Hamka emerged undistinguished but alive, and not condemned. in his autobiography Hamka grants himself a last moment of approval and joy before his fall from glory. It is in the political and *Nial limbo of East Sumatra—before the Japaneأ¦ surrender and before he to Minangkabau—that Hamka again encounters his father. He had just finished writing the manuEript for Ajahku when he had the dream: He is in hأں study on Jl. Japaris in Medan. His father and an old friend, Dr. H. Abdullah Ahmad, appear. They ham, and ask to text that Hamka keeps in his desk. He went to the small cabinet that I had pointed to [tunjukkan], and truly within that small cabinet were those drafts from earlier in the day. He took them out, and his friend Dr. H. Abdullah Ahmad sat in my work-chair, facing my desk. He flipped through the draft, and his face was joyful Then he said to his friend Dr. H. Abdullah Ahmad, “Ah, just look, you’re also mentioned in here.” Those drafts, that I had written in Arabic were then taken by Dr. H. Abdullah Ahmad who flipped through then with a placid expression. After that he took them and returned them to the small cabinet, where they had been kept originally, and closآ«i everything up … both of their facأ¦ appeared glad, and I awoke 75 Reminding himself of the auspicious role that dreams play in Islamic hagiography, Hamka reasons that this is a ‘”mimpi’ jang baik” and grants the dream much credence. Here, at last, Hamka begins to build something that he can point to (tundjukkan). His family history, dixonnأ¦ted from a rumgh, is now bound up in texts. days later the Japanese surrender. His second “good dream” comes on December 18, 1949. Ajahku is still on hold during the independalce strucle—and Hamka is preparing to leave Padang the following morning, to visit his father’s grave in Jakarta. 74 The INJ page official history, Sejarah Kernerdekaan Republlk Indonesia di Minangkabau 1945-1950 (Jakarta, Badan Pemurnian, vol. 1 1978/ vol. 2 1981) grants Hamka a minor role in a constellation of many major and minor figures, treating him more as a chronicler than an actor. Recall that Hamka was a propaganda showboat for the Japanese. On the anniversary of the Japanese invasion and the founding of “New Sumatra” (March 13, 1943) the Japanese organized a massive series of rallies. The biggest, June 20’s Rapa* Besar Kaurn Muslimin Sumatera Baru in Medan, saw sixty thousand bused in. “Leading keraiaan ulama also spoke, but it was Hamka who responded most enthusiastically and became the star Of the propaganda film the Japanese made aER-آ»ut the rally. ” Reid, The Blood [fthe People, p. 114. But it is also true that official histories have relied on Ajahku and Kenang-Kenansan Hidup for information, so it was Hamka Who helped to write himself out Of this history. 75 pergilah kealmari kehil tang Saia tundiukkan itu, dan memang sebenernia didalam almari ketjil itulah konsep itu saja letakkan sediak Siang harinja. Beliau keluarkan, dan temannja Dr. H. Abdullah Ahmad telah duduk kekursi tempat Saia mengarang, menghadapi medja saja. Konsep itu E*liau balik- balik, mukanja kelihatan girang. Lalu katanja kepada temannja Dr. H. Abdullah Ahmad; Ah, tjobahlah lihat, tuanpun tersebut pula didalamnia,’ kata beliau. “Konsep itu, jang Saia tulis dalam huruf Arab lalu diambil pula Oleh Dr. H Abdullah Ahmad sambil dib-alik-baliknja pula dengan muka djernih_ Sesudah itu beliau ambil kembali dan beliau letakkan kedalam almari ketjil itu, ditempatnja semula, dan ditutupkannia baik•baik.. muka beliau keduanja kelihatan girang, dan sajapun tersentak Reproduced witn perm sslon ot the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission

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