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Learning the Arabic Language Of The Qur’an pdf

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 Learning Arabic Language Of The Quran
  • Book Author:
Izzath Uroosa
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The language of the Qur’an is different from modem Arabic. Therefore, the two streams of the same language of Divine revelation need different approaches of teaming. While there are numerous educational institutions that offer courses in modern Arabic, the number of those that coach the ·language of Qur’an is limited.

As I began to learn Qur’anic Arabic two decades ago in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I started making notes of things that could help a non-Arabic speaking person in picking up the language more comfortably.

A few years later I became an Arabic teacher. During the course of teaching in Hyderabad, India, I found that the participants in each class differed vastly in social and educational background. Some had little formal education and some others were degree holders. A few of them did not know Urdu, some were well versed in Hindi and most others wanted me to explain Arabic grammar in English. I realized that if I could impart a few basic principles of the language to a learner, he or she could get the hang of grammar and appreciate the nuances in Qur’anic Verses within a few weeks into the course.

The other thing that struck me was that there could not possibly be a single book capable of serving students who possessed no formal education or had gone through various stages of academic life. That is the reason, I told myself, that there are so many books on the subject. Each one is attempting to reach out to the student in a different manner. According to my own understanding and feedback this book could be filing up the gaps the learners might have encountered in other books.

The examples have used to explain the grammar in this book are all from the Quran. The examples thus serve two purposes. They serve the basic objective of explaining a particular term and also offer the student an opportunity to understand a Verse and the manner in which it has been used in the Qur’an.

In any case, it is up to the student to decide whether the book has been of any help to him or her.

I have used the English translation of the Verses from Mir Aneesuddin’s ‘The Holy Qur’an,” published by Islamic Academy of Sciences, Hyderabad, India. Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi’s book “Learn the Language of the Holy Qur’an” has been of great help.

The book does not claim to teach Arabic grammar in its entirety. It provides fundamental knowledge of the grammar that is used in the Qur’an. It can be safely said that once a student goes through the entire course that has been encapsulated in this book he or she would begin to understand the meaning of the Qur’an in its right perspective. As we know understanding of the Qur’an is essential to appreciate and practice Islam in its true sense.

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