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Muhammad A Prophet For All Humanity pdf

book-icon-openmaktabaBook Title: Muhammad A Prophet For All Humanity
author-icon-openmaktabaBook Author: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
number-of-pages-icon-openmaktabaTotal Pages: 441
book-size-in-mbs-openmaktabaPDF Size: 1.39 Mb(s)
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used-language-icon-openmaktabaLanguage: English
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Muhammad A Prophet For All Humanity pdf

Book Contents

  • Muhammad a prophet for all humanity
  • Introduction
  • Notes
  • From adam to the messiah
  • Notes
  • The emergence and legacy of the prophet muhammad
  • Notes
  • Exemplary conduct
  • Humility and forbearance
  • Notes
  • Sublime character
  • Absence of acrimony
  • Notes
  • Lessons of the prophet’s life
  • The rewards of restraint
  • Never yielding to despair
  • The prophet forced into exile
  • Absolute trust in god
  • Reaching a consensus
  • Avoiding confrontation
  • Notes
  • The path of the prophet
  • Evolution not revolution
  • Unswerving obedience
  • Notes
  • The revolution of the prophet
  • A comparison
  • Divine succour
  • Exaltation of the word of god
  • A new nation is born
  • The best nation
  • Avoiding extraneous issues
  • Fitting in with god’s scheme
  • Notes
  • Rising above events
  • The prophetic method
  • Strengthening oneself inwardly
  • Inward strength
  • The external target: missionary activity
  • Patience and steadfastness
  • Trusting in god
  • Notes
  • The prophet in makkah
  • The beginning of the prophet’s public mission
  • The prophet’s call
  • The aptitude of the arabs
  • The all-pervasiveness of the prophet’s message
  • Factors working in favour of preaching work
  • Reaction to the message of islam
  • Expulsion
  • Notes
  • Islam comes to madinah
  • Note
  • Emigration-from makkah to madinah
  • The emigrants are made at home
  • Victory of islam
  • Notes
  • Victory and after
  • Notes
  • The termination of prophethood
  • Notes
  • The qur’an-the prophet’s miracle
  • Social upheavals
  • Literary advancement
  • Notes
  • The companions of the prophet
  • Islam was something they loved
  • Recognising the prophet at the very beginning
  • Adhering to the qur’an when it was still the subject of controversy
  • Spending one’s wealth for the sake of a truth which has yet to be established
  • Placing one’s own crown on the head of another
  • Realizing one’s own limitations
  • Taking responsibility upon oneself
  • Not bearing grudges
  • Doing more than one is legally bound to
  • Avoiding controversy, and concentrating on one’s basic goal
  • Being content to remain in obscurity
  • Rational decisions, during emotional crises
  • Growing like a tree
  • Notes
  • Manifestation of prophethood in the present day and age
  • Notes
  • Muhammad a prophet for all humanity

Book’s introduction

In an American publication entitled The Hundred, the author mentions the one hundred people he believes to have exerted the greatest influence on human history. The author, Dr Michael Hart, was born into a Christian family, and received a scientific education. But at the top of his roll of honour he has placed neither Christ’s name, nor Newton’s.

There was one person, he believes, whose achievements excelled all others: that person was the Prophet Muhammad. No one else has had such an impact on the history of man. “He was the only man in history,” he writes, “who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.”

Just as to the American, Michael Hart, he is the most outstanding figure of human history, to the English historian, Thomas Carlyle, he is “the hero of the Prophets.”

In ancient times, when Abraham and Ishmael were building the House in Makkah, they prayed for a prophet among their descendants. 2,500 years later, this “hero,” the Prophet Muhammad, arose from the People of Makkah bringing with him special divine succour. The prayer of Abraham was fulfilled, and with it the purpose of the prophets’ coming to the world was achieved.

Before Muhammad, history did not carefully record the lives of the prophets. From a strictly academic and historical point of view, then, their prophethood was difficult to establish. The Prophet Jesus was the last of the ancient line of prophets and has a following of millions, yet so tenuous is his historical position that Bertrand Russell has had occasion to remark: “Historically it is quite doubtful whether Christ ever existed at all.”

This is not the case with the Prophet Muhammad, the last of the prophets. His life is so well-documented and clearly laid down in history that anyone who studies his life is forced to agree with Professor Philip Hitti that, “Muhammad was born in the full light of history.”

The factor, which makes the greatest contribution to the permanence of Muhammad’s prophethood, is the Qur’an, that enduring miracle which was revealed to him by God. If this miracle had been of the same order as those bestowed upon his prophetic predecessors, its effects would not have outlived him, and his prophethood would not have been accepted in the way that it was by subsequent generations.

A miracle is a wondrous event which man, on his own, is unable to produce. This definition applies in full measure to the Qur’an: it is beyond man even to emulate it. There is no doubt that the Qur’an is a miracle wrought by the Almighty.

Muhammad’s role was exceptional in that he was to be the last of the prophets. It had been so ordained by God. The final revelation of God’s will was to be conveyed to the people by him and, for posterity, the scriptures had to be preserved by him and subsequently by his devoted followers throughout the centuries. To ensure this train of events, the Prophet had to bring about a great revolution that would give him a following the world over.

Muhammad is the father of no man among you. He is the Prophet of God and the last of the prophets. God has knowledge of all things.

The Prophet was chosen by God to give the kind of guidance to people, which they needed if they were to lead upright, virtuous lives. If people seemingly have complete control over what they do, it is because, in this world, they are on trial. If the illusion of free will causes them to act as they choose, it is because they are being tested. The Prophets, in spite of their divine mission, cannot force people to change their ways. All they can do is communicate the message with which God has entrusted them:

Yet what should Messengers do but give plain warning?”

God has done the maximum to ensure that we should not go astray in our journey through life. He has given us a conscience, enabling us to differentiate between what is right and wrong, and has placed us in a world based on justice. But – whenever man has failed to listen to his conscience, or was deaf to the silent message emanating from every object of God’s creation, God sent His prophets to bring him the truth, and so that these God-sent messages should not be incomprehensible

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