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Raising Children in Islam pdf download

Book Title Raising Children In Islam
Book AuthorMuhammad Suwayd
Total Pages52
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Raising Children in Islam


Book’s Preface

The Muslim’s attachment to the Prophet (peace be upon him) is the strongest among all human relations. Also, he feels that he loves the Prophet (peacee upon rum) more than himself and all 1nankind. Moreover, Almighty Allah states in the Ever-Glorious Qur’an that the Prophet (peace be upon him) is closer to the believers than themselves.

This deep attachment to the Prophet (peace be upon him) is instilled into the hearts and minds of Muslim children at a very young age.

He (peace be upon him) is the ideal that every Muslim foJlows and the source of the great Shari’ah that the true Muslim adheres to. He exemplified all that brings us close to Allah or enhances our life.

He thoroughly guided us to the extent that greatly surprised the Jews who said that our Prophet has taught us everything.

In this rapidly developing world, Muslim children are faced with enormous challenges in a largely secular environment, and parents are in urgent need of returning to the pure Islamic system.

The author of this precious book exerted great efforts in clarifying the bases of the Prophetic methodology in raising children and how the Prophet guided Musli1ns to take care of children regarding their creed acts of worship, physical construction, hygienic constitution and 1nany other aspects. Consequently, the Muslim child will grow into an integrated man that is beneficial to his community.

Al-Falah feels indebted to sheikh Muhammad Nur Suwayd for giving her the chance to present an abridged translation of his valuable work Manhaj At-Tarbiyali An-Nabawiyyah Lit-T(fl. [The Prophetic methodology of Child-Raising] in a serial form under the title Raising Children in Islam to our English speaking readers all over the world.

Also, Al-Falah appreciates the efforts n1ade by Nirvan Tal’at in translating this book. Thanks should also be extended to Sarni Ahmad and Ahmad M. Hasan for revising the work. Great appreciation is due to Reima Shakir and Naseema Mall, our editors, under whose guidance and supervision the subject matter took form. Finally, all praise and thanks are due to Allah.

3. The stage of commanding a child to perform salah and beating him if he does not:

This stage starts when a child is ten years old. If a child is observed as being careless or negligent or slackening in performing Salah then the parents are allowed to resort to beating.

Beating in this case is considered to be a means of punishment because the child here wrongs himself by following the temptations of the devil when he is supposed to be in a state of total obedience to Allah. In the stage of childhood the devil’s effect upon 1nan is still weak and so a child is supposed to be acting according to his natural disposition upon which he was created. So, when a child does not pe1form Salah this 1neans that the devil is gradually starting to gain control over him.

That is why parents 1nust thus appeal to the Prophetic tradition of beating the child and they may explain to him the reason for his being beaten. Then they may recite to him the following hadith

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