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The Perfumed Garden Book by ʻUmar ibn Muḥammad Nafzāwī
Book Title The Perfumed Garden
Book AuthorUmar ibn Muhammad Nafzawi
Total Pages243
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The Perfumed Garden Book by ʻUmar ibn Muḥammad Nafzāwī


The name of the Cheikh has become known to posterity as the author of this work, which is the only one tributed to him.  Despite the subject matter of the book and the manifold errors found in it, and caused by the negligence and ignorance of the copyists, it is manifest that this treatise comes from the pen of a man of great erudition, who had better knowledge in general of literature and medicine than is commonly found with Arabs. 

According to the historical notice contained in the first leaves of the manuscript, and notwithstanding the apparent error respecting the name of the Bey who was reigning in Tunis, it may be presumed that this work was written at the beginning of the sixth century, about the year 92 5 of the Hegira.

 As regards the birthplace of the author, it may be taken for granted, considering that the Arabs habitually joined the name of their birthplace to their own, that he was born at Nefzaoua, 1 a town situated in the district of that name on the shore of the lake Sebkha Melrir, in the south of the kingdom of Tunis. 

The Cheikh himself records that he lived in Tunis, and it is probable the book was written there.

According to tradition, a particular motive induced him to under!  take work at variance with his simple tastes and retired habits.

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