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The PICATRIX pdf Download

Book Title The Picatrix Grimoires Christian Judhaic Islamic Greek Egyptian Luciferian And Others
Book AuthorTranslator: HASHEM ATALLAH
Total Pages66
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The PICATRIX – selected translation Grimoires Christian Judhaic Islamic Greek Egyptian Luciferian and Others

The PICATRIX – Grimoires Christian Judhaic Islamic Greek Egyptian Luciferian and Others

The Picatrix or Ghayat al Hakim, the “Aim of the Wise” is the most famous book of astrological magic of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. 

Attributed to the Arabic author Al-Majriti, the Picatrix was composed, according to the Arabic  translation that follows, between AD 954 and 959. 

It was compiled, according to the preamble, from 200 previous works of magic, astrology and philosophy. Composed in Andalusia, Islamic Spain, it was translated into Caspian and then Latin 1256 at the court of Alphonso the Wise of Castile. 

The Picatrix differs from other medieval and Renaissance grimoires or books of  magic in being much more philosophical in orientation. 

Typical grimoires like the Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon are almost entirely focused on practice, while Picatrix spends a great deal of time delving into the philosophical background behind magic.

 Picatrix also stands apart in its heavy reliance on astrology, both as a means of timing the creation of astrological talismans and as a universal method of classification. 

Our first translation from the Arabic Picatrix focuses on the relationship between the One and the multiplicity of existent beings.

Longer Book Description

“Picatrix – Ghayat Al-Hakim: Unveiling the Secrets of Ancient Wisdom, Magic, and Astrology”. Prepare to immerse yourself in a captivating journey of ancient wisdom, magic, and the celestial realms with “Picatrix – Ghayat Al-Hakim.” This extraordinary book, divided into two profound volumes, holds the keys to unlocking the esoteric knowledge of centuries past.

In Book I, the path of enlightenment begins with an exploration of the Virtue of Wisdom. Delve into the depths of this sacred virtue and uncover its transformative power. Discover the essence of magic and the mystical forces that shape the fabric of reality. Dive deep into the world of astrology and unveil the secrets behind its essence and profound significance. Learn how astrological ratios are harnessed in creating talismans, and explore captivating examples that illustrate the precise ratios required for specific talismanic functions. As you journey through these pages, you will come to understand the intricate interplay between mankind and the vast universe, as well as the enigmatic meaning of being that has long eluded philosophers.

Book II takes you further into the realms of ancient knowledge, revealing how this sacred wisdom can be attained. Explore the figures of constellations and unravel the profound symbolism embedded within their motion across the celestial plane. Discover the influence of high planets and uncover the secrets behind the omens associated with the Sun and the Moon. Gain a deep understanding of the intricate dance of the stars and the planets as they shape our earthly existence. Uncover the distribution of this celestial science among different nations, witnessing the diverse interpretations and applications across cultures. Delve into the characteristics and contributions of each planet and their seamless adaptation to fulfill their cosmic functions.

Within these pages, you will also encounter the art of crafting talismans, as you delve into the precise positioning of phrases and the direction in which they are inscribed. Explore the natural order of matters and their complementary elements, unveiling the harmony that lies within the tapestry of creation. Be captivated by stunning examples of fixed planet configurations, complemented by intricate drawings that showcase the stones and symbols associated with each celestial body. Finally, immerse yourself in the enigmatic world of dragon pictures, as you explore their functions and the profound influence they hold in reflecting and attracting celestial powers, as depicted in the Indian School of Thought.

“Picatrix – Ghayat Al-Hakim” is a profound testament to the interconnectedness of ancient wisdom, magic, and astrology. Transcending time, this captivating work offers a gateway into the minds of the ancients, allowing you to explore their secrets, contemplate their teachings, and unlock the power within yourself. With its richly woven tapestry of knowledge, this book promises to leave you in awe of the profound mysteries that have shaped our understanding of the cosmos and the mystical forces that guide our lives. Embark on this extraordinary quest for wisdom, and be forever transformed by the revelations contained within these pages.

About the Translation

Picatrix – Ghayat Al-Hakim: Unveiling the Mysteries of Medieval Astrology and Metaphysics. Embark on a mesmerizing journey through time and delve into the profound realms of astrology, philosophy, and metaphysics with “Picatrix – Ghayat Al-Hakim.” Translated from an enigmatic eleventh-century Arabic manuscript, this captivating work offers a rare glimpse into the multifaceted nature of medieval knowledge.

At first glance, the task of deciphering this ancient text appeared daunting. Arabic, a living language, has evolved over the ages, influenced by dialects, cultural shifts, and the intellectual demands of different eras. Translating historical texts demands a profound understanding of Arabic’s historical variations. Words assume new meanings depending on when and where they were spoken or written, and even by the individuals who wielded them. Within the realm of scholarly discourse, words adopted by theologians and lawyers, for instance, acquire nuanced intentions. Thus, the translation of “Ghayat Al-Hakim,” a medieval treatise on astrology, presented a formidable challenge, as it skillfully interwove metaphysics, philosophy, theology, and scientific inquiries, drawing from the rich tapestry of each discipline.

This intricate task of translation became an all-encompassing obsession. A work can only be truly translated if it is fully understood. The translator’s duty extends beyond a technical exercise; it necessitates treating each work as poetry. To unravel its essence, one must fathom the author’s intentions, the nuances of their word choices, grammar, and syntax employed to convey their deepest sentiments. Such understanding requires a common bond, a shared ground. In “Ghayat Al-Hakim,” I discovered this connection on multiple levels.

“Ghayat Al-Hakim” not only assumes knowledge of Islamic theology and philosophy but also explores a wide range of scientific disciplines. These disciplines, many of which originated in the Muslim world or were rediscovered through the examination of preceding civilizations, have since diminished in prominence. While Arabic continued to evolve as a language, the sciences it once described within this book remained confined to the realm of historical interest. Consequently, the translation of “Ghayat Al-Hakim” compelled me to undertake a profound exploration of astrology that surpassed my initial expectations. Before the translation could commence, true comprehension needed to be cultivated. Immersed in this captivating pursuit, I even sought counsel from contemporary astrologers to unravel complex concepts and terminology, nurturing a deep understanding that paved the way for a faithful rendition of this intricate and mesmerizing topic.

Though Arabic is a poetic language, the grammar and syntax employed in “Ghayat Al-Hakim” may surprise readers familiar with historical Arabic texts. The work’s simplicity in structure and language serves as a reminder of the poetic nature of Arabic, where conciseness and brevity were not primary considerations during that era. A single Arabic sentence in “Ghayat Al-Hakim” may encompass the depth and breadth of an entire English paragraph.

Knowledge of this relationship, says Picatrix, is the key to magic. 

Our next translations, on the forms of the planets and selected planetary talismans, introduce us to the use of the planets in talismanic magic. 

The next translation, that of house based talismans, takes us to another level in complexity requiring the full range of traditional astrological magical skill, but producing very powerful full chart talismans. 

The translations of ritual preparations and planetary invocations begin our study of  Picatrix rimal, a necessary concomitant to the physical production of talismans. 

Finally the selected translations ends with two very interesting and specific animals, that of the  operation of Jupiter and of the invocation of Perfect Nature. 

Once again the focus is on the relationship between the One and the many, in this case the mage seeks to become a mirror of that relationship uniting himself with his Almuten 

Figures, the planetary ruler of his chart, in order to replicate the unity of the Macrocosm and Microcosm with the practical purpose of doing works of magic. 

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