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The Refinement of Character pdf download

Book Title The Refinement Of Character
Book AuthorAbdul-Ghani AI-Maqdisi
Total Pages160
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The Refinement of Character – A Textbook On The Ethics Of Good Character by a Translation Of ‘Mukhtasar Minhaj Al-Qasidin


One time I came across the book Minpqj al-Qd,!idin by Shqykh al­Imam al-‘Alim al-Awpad,Jamil al-Din ibn al-JawzI (rapimahullah) and I saw that it was of the most magnificent and beneficial of books containing many benefits.

I came across at a certain location and I desired to obtain it and read through it. When J contemplated on it for a second time I found more than what I had thought was in it.

However, I found that the book was simple and thus I wanted to comment on it in this Mukhtasar which will contain most of its intents and important aspects and benefits whether it be the clear issues mentioned in the beginning of it related to the jiiru’, as these are famous matters in the books of jiqhand known among the people, as the intent of the book is not to deal with those matters.’

I did not adhere to preserving the arrangement of the book and its specific terminologies, rather I mentioned some of them in a way and meaning so as to be brief. I may have mentioned a hadith or something else which was relevant to it and Allah knows best.

I ask Allah the Most Kind to bring benefit with it and from reading, listening or looking at it, and to make it sincerely for Allah’s Face, and to seal it with good for us; and to grant us success to whatever statements and actions please Him.

And may Allah overlook our shortcomings and our negligence, He is Sufficient for us and the Best Trustee of affairs.

On the Ethics of Eating

The etiquettes (tidtib) to be observed before eating, when eating and what is recommended after eating.

The first category: this pertains to the etiquette before eating

This includes washing the hands before eating as occurs in the Hadith, for there is always some dirt on them.

The food should be placed on a surface (ground cover) on the ground, for this is closer to the way of Allah’s Messenger than raising it on a table (mti’idah)2. It is also more indicative of humbleness (taivtida; He should sit at the sufra (as it is spread on the ground), raising his right leg and sitting on his left. He should intend to eat in order

of strengthening oneself in obedience (fa’al) to Allah, so as to be obedient through food and not to seek luxurious living only. A sign that this indeed is one’s intention is when one only eats what suffices without filling his stomach. The Prophet (:i) said: “No human be­ ing has ever filled a container worse than his own stomach. The son of Adam needs no more than some morsels of food to keep up his strength; doing so, he should consider that a third of [his stomach] is for food, one-third for drink, and one-third for breathing.”-‘

A necessary requisite of this intention (n!Jya) is that one does not reach his hand towards the food if he is not hungry and lifts his hand before his is full. Doing so, he dispenses with doctors.

This etiquette also includes being content with any sustenance that is available, one he should not belittle it no matter how little the food is and he should do his best to have many hands partake in the meal, even if it be just the hands of his spouse and children.

The second category: This pertains to the etiquette during eating

He should begin the meal with the words ‘/11tbe nameof Allah’ and end it with praising Allah. He should eat with his right hand, take small morsels, and chew his food well. He should not stretch his hand to take another mouthful before swallowing the first and not criticize the food.

He should eat of that which is the closest to him unless the food is of different types like fruits. He should eat with three fingers, and if food falls on the ground he should pick it up.

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