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The Relief from Distress pdf download

Book Title The Relief From Distress
Book AuthorIbn Taymiyah
Total Pages257
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The Relief from Distress An explanation to the du’a of Prophet Yunus being a translation of his ‘Tefrij al-Kurub: Sharh Hadith da’wah akhi Dhu-n-Nun…’ by ibn Taymiyyah

تفريج الكروب شرح حديث دعوة أخي ذي النون

Book Contents


  • His Teachers
  • His Students
  • The Praise of the Scholars for him
  • His Sayings
  • His Death
  • His Works



An explanation of the supplication of Yunus


“What is the meaning of this supplication?”

  • The meaning of “la ilaha illa anta”
  • The condition of the supplicant
  • The supplication of Yunus
  • The condition of Yunus
  • Allah does not wrong anyone
  • The meaning of “la ilaha illa anta” and SubhanAllah
  • Tahiti and tasbih in the supplication
  • Summary of the meaning of the supplication


Why does this supplication remove harm?

  • Reliance, hope and fear is to be placed in Allah alone
  • Avarice and Begging
  • Sincerity in testifying to Tawhid
  • The wisdom in mentioning Tawhid alongside forgiveness
  • The correct understanding of Tawhid
  • The obligation to obey the Prophet (s)
  • The explanation of Imam
  • The foundation of worship
  • Misdirected intentions
  • Ostentation and conceit
  • The Messenger-Servant and Prophet-King
  • ar-Rubiikyah and al-Ildhilyah
  • The Infallibility of Prophets
  • Repentance
  • Deeds are by their conclusion
  • Allah loves those who repent
  • True repentance involves a person changing himself


“Does the mere acknowledgement of sin combined with tawhid lead to its forgiveness and the alleviation of difficulty, or is something else required?”


“Does the acknowledgment of one’s sins lead to the elimination of the evil of many sins that may have been committed, or must that person bring to mind all sins for this to occur?”

  • The First Principle
  • The Second Principle
  • The Third Principle


“Why is it that relief comes after a person has given up all hope in creation and how can one make his heart dependent on Allah alone?”

Book Description


The Relief From Distress is a book by the renowned Islamic scholar Shaykh al-Islam ibn Taymiyyah. In this book, ibn Taymiyyah explains the meaning and significance of the supplication of Yunus, found in the Quran (21:87). The supplication of Yunus is a powerful prayer that can be used to seek relief from distress.

The Meaning of the Supplication

The supplication of Yunus is a simple prayer that consists of only a few words. However, these words are packed with meaning. The first part of the supplication, “la ilaha illa anta,” means “there is no god but You.” This declaration of Tawheed, or monotheism, is the foundation of Islam. The second part of the supplication, “subhanaka inni kuntu minazh-zalimin,” means “Glory be to You, I have indeed been of the wrongdoers.” This is an admission of sin and a plea for forgiveness.

Why Does This Supplication Remove Harm?

Ibn Taymiyyah explains that the supplication of Yunus removes harm because it is a sincere prayer based on Tawheed and repentance. When people sincerely declare that there is no god but Allah and that they have been wrongdoers, they acknowledge their complete dependence on Allah and their need for His forgiveness. This act of submission and humility is pleasing to Allah, and He responds by removing the harm that the person is facing.

How to Use the Supplication

The supplication of Yunus can be used to seek relief from any kind of physical, emotional, or spiritual distress. To use the supplication, simply recite it sincerely and seek Allah’s help. You can also recite the supplication for others who are facing distress.


The Relief from Distress is a valuable resource for anyone facing distress. The book provides a clear explanation of the meaning and significance of the supplication of Yunus, and it offers guidance on how to use the supplication to seek relief from distress. If you are facing any difficulty, I encourage you to read this book and use Yunus’s supplication to seek Allah’s help.

Additional Thoughts

  • The Relief From Distress is a classic work of Islamic literature. It has been translated into many languages and is widely read by Muslims worldwide.
  • The book is not only a valuable resource for those facing distress but also a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the Islamic concept of Tawheed and the importance of repentance.
  • I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about Islamic spirituality and how to overcome distress.

The following are some of the books written by Ibn Taymiyyah. These books are all available on this website

  • Explanation of the Creed – Sharh al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah is a book on Islamic creed. It is a commentary on the creed of the scholar al-Ash’ari. The book is a clear and concise explanation of the basic tenets of Islam.
  • Helpful Guidelines in Enduring People’s Harm is a book on patience. It guides how to deal with people who are harmful or who cause us pain. The book teaches us how to forgive, avoid retaliation, and focus on the hereafter.
  • Answering Those Who Altered the Religion of Jesus Christ is a book on the Christian faith. It is a refutation of the claims of the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus Christ. The book argues that Jesus was a prophet and a messenger of God, but that he was not divine.
  • In Defence of the Four Imams is a book on the four Sunni madhabs, or schools of law. It is a defense of the four madhabs against the claims of the Mu’tazila and the Ash’aris. The book argues that the four madhabs are all correct and that Muslims should follow whichever madhhab they find most convincing.
  • The Criterion Between the Allies of the Merciful & the Allies of the Devil is a book on ethics. It is a guide on how to distinguish between good and evil, and on how to live a life that is pleasing to God. The book teaches us how to develop good character, avoid sin, and worship God properly.
  • The Lofty Virtues of Ibn Taymiyyah is a book on the life and works of Ibn Taymiyyah. It is a biography of Ibn Taymiyyah that discusses his education, scholarly works, and religious and political views. The book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about this important Islamic scholar.
  • The Concise Legacy is a collection of Ibn Taymiyyah’s most important works. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Islamic theology, law, and mysticism.
  • The Removal of Blame from the Great Imams is a book on the history of the Islamic community. It is a defense of the four Sunni imams, Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi’i, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, against their critics’ claims. The book argues that the four imams were all great scholars and that their madhabs were correct.
  • The Summary of the Unsheathed Sword Against the One Who Insults the Messenger is a book on the importance of defending the Prophet Muhammad. It is a refutation of the claims of those who insult the Prophet and argues that it is a religious duty to defend the Prophet.

These are just a few of the many books that Ibn Taymiyyah wrote. He was a prolific writer covering many topics, including theology, law, mysticism, and history. His writings are still studied and admired by Muslims around the world. To browse the rest of all the books from the website can be found here.

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