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The two eids and their significance


the two ‘eids and their significance

Praise be to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions.


The Arabic word “Eid” refers to something habitual, that returns and is repeated, thus stands literally for a recurrent event. It also implies a place often visited by people, and the period of time in which a particular act is regularly performed. Likewise, each gathering that assembles regularly comes under the category, ‘Eid’.

Eids or festivals are symbols to be found in every nation, including those that are based on revealed scriptures and those that are idolatrous, as well as others, because celebrating festivals is something that is an instinctive part of human nature.

All people like to have special occasions to celebrate, where they can come together and express their joy and happiness.

The unbelievers’ religious festivals

There are numerous religious festivals and fairs of the unbelievers. Islam prohibits the Muslims to celebrate their festivals and fairs.

 The Prophet had prohibited his companions from sports and enjoyment on two particular days on which the pre-Islamic Arabs used to hold sports. Likewise, he forbade them to sacrifice their animals at the places where the polytheists used to celebrate their festivals.

The festivals of the kaafir nations may be connected to worldly matters, such as the beginning of the year, the start of an agricultural season, the changing of the weather, the establishment of a state, the accession of a ruler, and so on.

They may also be connected to religious occasions, like many of the festivals belonging exclusively to the Jews and Christians, such as the Thursday on which they claim the table was sent down to Jesus, Christmas, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, and holidays on which gifts are exchanged. These are celebrated in all European and North American countries nowadays.

And in other countries where Christian influence is prevalent, even if the country is not originally Christian, some so-called Muslims join in these holidays, out of ignorance or hypocrisy. The Magians (Zoroastrians) also have their own festivals, such as Mahrajaan, Nowruz and so on.

Muslims are strictly prohibited from joining these religious festivals of the People of the Book and other unbelievers on two grounds; (1): it represents a resemblance to the unbelievers and (2):

these are acts of innovations. All such festivals and fairs which have come into vogue as a result of innovation are to be treated in the same way, whether these resemble the practice of the unbelievers or not.


  1. Al-Raghaib: it is the first Thursday and the following Friday night of the month of Rajab celebrated by ignorant Muslims. There is no evidence of this ceremony from the Glorious Qur’aan and Sunnah of the Prophet.

According to Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, it was first introduced after the 4th century A.H A fabricated hadeeth is presented in support of this practice. See Al-Fawaaid-ul-Majmoo‘ah fil Ahaadeeth-il-Muwdoo‘ah: pp. 67-8, no. 106.

  • Salaat Umm Daadoo: A prayer which is offered in the middle of the month of Rajab. A particular day is set apart and a specific prayer is offered on this day. See Al-Fawaaid-ul- Majmoo‘ah fil Ahaadeeth-il-Muwdoo‘ah: p. 69, no. 107.
  • ‘Eid Khum Ghadeer: The Baatinis have their own festivals too, such as “Eid al- Ghadeer”, when they claim that the Prophet gave the khilaafah to ‘Alee (may Allaah be pleased with him) and to the twelve imams after him.

It is the name of place where the Prophet had delivered a sermon on 18th Thul-Hijjah. This report is based on Hadeeth narrated by Zayd ibn Arqam which is collected by Imaam Muslim in Sahih Muslim: vol. 4,p. 1286, no.5920.

 Shaykh Imaam ibn Taymeeyah said in regards to this hadeeth in his book Iqtidaa as Siratil Mustaqeem: “the misguided people have, however, effected certain interpolations into this report.

They even claim that the Prophet had clearly commanded that ‘Alee be appointed the Caliph and had seated him at an elevated place. …”.

He further said: “ We are not concerned here with the issue of Imaamah. Our objection lies in declaring that it is an innovation to regard this particular day as a special day.” See for further details, ‘Mukhtasar Iqtidaa As-Siraatil Mustaqeem: English Translation: the right way: pp.45-58.

These festivals and fairs of the people of the book or unbelievers or similar festivals introduced by Muslims are all innovations and every Muslim should avoid them to protect his faith. All kaafir or

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