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What did Jesus Really Say? pdf download

Book Title What Did Jesus Really Say
Book AuthorMisha’al Al-Kadhi
Total Pages298
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Many of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity which have been for many centuries taken on blind faith (those which differ from the beliefs of Muslims) are now beginning to be challenged by some of the foremost scholars and religious leaders of Christianity today.

An example of this can be found in the British newspaper the “Daily News” 25/6/84 under the heading “Shock survey of Anglican Bishops” We read that a British television pole of 31 of the 39 Anglican Bishops in England found 19 to believe that it is not necessary for Christians to believe that Jesus (pbuh) is God, but only “His supreme agent” (his messenger) as taught by Muslims for 1400 years now and testified to by John 17:3 “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you hast sent.” 

These are not ignorant men, nor are they Muslims.  They are eminent Christian scholars who have dedicated their lives to their religious studies, and the study of the Bible and the various discrepancies to be found therein.

 It is the scientific and logical research of these men into the Bible and other ancient works of the Christian society (in the light of modern knowledge) which is driving them ever closer to the beliefs of the Muslims with every passing day.  By Christian standards, these people have everything to lose and nothing to gain by such statements.

 It is very easy to casually brush off the lifelong study of some of the most eminent scholars of Christendom and label them men of ignorance and proudly claim to be more knowledgeable than them without bothering to study their findings.  It is much harder to take the time to study the evidence that drove them to this conclusion.  

In this book we have presented extensive historical and scriptural evidence in both the Bible and the Christian writings of the first six centuries C.E. which drove these men to their conclusions.

Some people have been programmed, to believe blindly in certain matters and never ask questions.  Others will insist on giving every single verse of the Bible which contradicts their personal beliefs an “abstract” meaning. 

When in doubt they say “what the author wrote is not what he meant” and then they proceed to give you their personal interpretation totally side-stepping the obvious meaning of the verses in front of them.

No matter how much evidence you give them they are perfectly willing to explain it all away with abstract meanings.  On many occasions they don’t even bother to analyze their own abstract meanings to see if logic, or the Bible, support them.  That is their choice, our job is only to show them the evidence. 

It is up to them to accept or reject it. “Say: O people of the Scripture!  Stress not in your religion other than the truth, and follow not the vain desires of  folk who erred of old and led many astray and diverged from the straight path” Qur’an, Al-Maidah(5):77.

When Muslims are portrayed in the Western media it is only under the headings of terrorism, extremism, and fundamentalism. Seldom, if ever, is the other side of the story given equal, if any, time. 

As a result of this, when a Muslim quotes from the Qur’an to a Christian, he is usually perceived as propagating terrorism and heathenistic ungodly violence or similar matters and no one is willing to listen to him.  If he quotes from the

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