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Why not Cover your Modesty pdf download

Book Title Why Not Cover Your Modesty
Book AuthorAbdul Hameed Al-Balali
Total Pages59
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Why the Prophet Muhammad Married More Than One – لماذا عدد النبى صلى الله علية وسلم زوجاتة

Why not Cover your Modesty – By Abdul Han1eed Al-Balali Translated into English “Free Translation” by Wael F. Tabba


This book is aimed at a specific group of our sisters who did not commit themselves to cover their modesty.

This lack of commitment is either their ignorance of its religious necessity, their weakness toward attractions of this life; it can also be their defeat of evil in their souls. There exist other reasons for this lack of commitment, like a whispering devil, an evil companion who does not love her peers, and others.

We ask Allah to make the words of this book as keys for good. We also pray to Him to cause these words to open up closed hearts and stir dormant feelings. We beg him in our supplications to make this book a reason to urge our sisters who are not committed to hiding their complete modesty and revert to the pattern Allah has ordained on humankind.

Dubiosities and desires

The devil can only penetrate the soul of a human being through two critical ports of entry: Dubiosities and desires. The motives behinds any person’s disobedience does not de­ vitae from one of these two, which seriously hinder the Muslim from performing acts that please Allah.

These two reasons alone are among the major causes that prevent a Muslim from being accepted into Paradise. We will try our best to cover the essential dubiosities and desires in this book:

This Dubiosity states that it is dangerous to repress sexual energy since Man is a significant and influential drive.

This concept is based on the principle that increasing pre­ sure leads to an explosion. The theory states that by covering the modesty of a woman, you will be protecting her beauty, and that will subject young men to critical sexual repression. This repression explodes in the form of rape and other sex crimes.

The proposed solution for this problem is to liberate women from this cover so that young men can relieve their repression. According to this theory, the result (according to this theory) is that society minimizes the danger of explosions by satisfying the “repressed” needs of young men!

The Answer:

This dubiosity hides behind a facade of logic. The person who promotes this dubiosity appears, on the face value, to be looking after the better interest of his society; he seems to want to prevent it from decadence.

The person promoting this Dubiosity is threatening his society with a great danger which might lead to its disintegration. The threat is so significant that it might break up the very fabric of society.

If this fallacy were true, then America, Europe, and other countries with similar moral fabric would have been the least countries to suffer from rape, sexual harassment, and other sex-related crimes.

America and Europe have given sexual freedom great importance under the pretense of “personal freedom.” This concept is taken to such an extreme that one could find obscene magazines sold every­ where.

In those countries, TV programs after midnight are full of dissolute shows that are sexually explicit. Moreover, during the summer, women take off their clothes and wear a “bathing suit” on the beaches. They even walk around in those “bathing suites” in coastal towns, and they are al­ lowed to go topless on some beaches.

Throughout America, videotape shops for adults-only are widely spread. In these shops, you find all kinds of perversion and items that substantially trigger sexual excitements! Any adult can watch these films inside the shop or rent them to watch at home. Whorehouses are spread to such an extent that some countries exhibit prostitutes in a display window for the clients!

So what was the result of such wantonness and obscenity?

Did rape incidents decline? Did those societies achieve the “satisfaction” that they are talking about? were women saved from the dangers of this obscenity?

American Statistics:

The Federal Government of U. S. A. conducted research and published their statistics in a book entitled Crime.

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