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Book Title Duas For The Contentment Of The Heart
Book AuthorMillat Book Corporation
Total Pages177
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Duas For the Contentment of The Heart, Book title: Duas for the Contentment of the heart, Book pages: 177, Published by Millat Book publishers

Book Contents

  • Surah Ya’seen
  • Surah Sajdah
  • Surah Waaqiah
  • Surah Mulk
  • Manzil
  • The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah
  • Surah Rahmaan with Translation and Transliteration
  • Dua for Safety from Calamities
  • 40 Rabbana with English Translation
  • Ganjul Arsh with English Translation
  • Small Compilations Reaping Great Reward
  • Duas after Completion of Namaaz
  • Important Aspects of Jumah (Friday)
  • Significance of Surah Ka’hf
  • Significance of Surah Dukhaan
  • The Virtues of Durood or Salawaat
  • What to Recite after Jumah & Surah Jumah
  • Surah Muzzammil
  • Surah Nabaa
  • Surah Taariq
  • Durood Tungeeria with Translation and Virtues of Salaatan Tungeena
  • Dua for Protection

About the Book:

Duas for the Contentment of the Heart

In this book, you will find a collection of duas (supplications) to help you find peace and contentment in your heart. These duas are taken from the Quran, the Sunnah, and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a different contentment aspect. For example, there are sections on duas for:

The book delineates some of the virtues of key Chapters concerning supplication, like Surat Yassen and al-Waqiah, among others. The book also briefly introduces the importance of dua and how to make dua effectively. Whether you are feeling lost, stressed, or simply looking for a way to connect with Allah, this book can help you find the peace and contentment you seek.

About the Publisher

The publisher of this book is Millat Book Publishers, a known publisher of Islamic books and literature. They are committed to providing high-quality Islamic books that are informative and inspirational.


  • Over 170 duas from the Quran, the Sunnah, and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
  • Sections on peace of mind, gratitude, forgiving others, finding strength in times of difficulty, and seeking Allah’s help
  • Brief introduction to the importance of dua and how to make dua effectively
  • Written by a Muslim scholar who has spent many years studying the Quran and the Sunnah
  • Published by a leading publisher of Islamic books and literature

If you are looking for a book that can help you find peace and contentment in your heart, then “Duas for the Contentment of the Heart” is perfect.


Book Sample

Virtues of surah ya’seen

It is related from Hazrat Ata bin Abi Ribah R.A. that Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said: “Whoever reads Surah Ya’seen inthe beginning of the day, all his needs for that day will be fulfilled.” Many virtues of Surah Ya’seen are mentioned in the Ahaadith.

It is narrated in one Hadith that “Everything has a heart, and a heart of the Quraanis Surah Ya’seen.”

Whoever reads Surah Ya’seen, Allah Ta‘ala records for him a reward equal to that of reading the whole Quraan ten times.

According to another Hadith, Allah Ta’ala recited Surah Ya’seen and Surah Taha one thousand years before the creation of the Heaven and the Earth, and on hearing this the angles said:

Blessing is for that Ummat unto whom the Quraan will be send down blessings is for the hearts which wit bear (memorize it) and blessing is for the tongues which will recite it.  

There is another narration which says: “Whoever reads Surah Ya‘seen for the pleasure of Allah only, all his previous sins are forgiven.

Therefore, make a practice of reading this Surah over your dead.”

According to another Hadith, Surah Ya’seen is named in the Torah as Mun’mah (giver if good things) because it contains benefits for its readers in this life as well as in the Hereafter, it removes from him the afflictions of this world and the next and takes away the dread of the next life.

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