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Solution for Spiritual Maladies pdf

Book Title Solution For Spiritual Maladies
Book AuthorHakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahab
Total Pages598
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Informing one’s shaikh of one’s conditions and following his instructions have both been the hallmarks of those seeking rectitude in the path of sulûk. This is an important right of the shaikh in the department of reformation, a means for the reformation of those treading the path of sulûk, and the way of the auliyâ’ of this ummah

A poet says:   

“Only those paths are considered as reliable paths…

Along which those who are madly in love with You have travelled.”

Khwâjah Sâhib rahimahullâh said:

“Four conditions are essential for [total] benefit: (1) informing the shaikh of one’s conditions, (2) following the shaikh’s instructions, (3) having full confidence in the shaikh, (4) submitting to the shaikh.”

Someone asked my beloved mentor and master, ‘Ârif Billâh Hadrat Aqdas Maulânâ Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar Sâhib adâmallâhu zilluhum, as to the difference between ittibâ‘ (following the shaikh’s instructions) and inqiyâd (submitting to the shaikh).

Hadrat replied that ittibâ‘ refers to outward obedience, conforming to every order of the shaikh, and restricting oneself to every advice of his in the path of reformation. On the other hand, inqiyâd refers to internal submission, handing oneself over to the shaikh, and affirming all that he says.

 That the person restricts himself – even with his heart – to the diagnosis and judgement of his shaikh and gives no room whatsoever to his own opinion.

In the past, those who were connected with Hakîm al-Ummah Mujaddid al-Millah Maulânâ Shâh Ashraf ‘Alî Sâhib Thânwî rahimahullâh used to write letters to him with regard to their reformation and he used to reply to these letters.

These have been published as a book titled “Tarbîyyatus Sâlik”. This is a unique treasure of treatments for the ailments of the soul, and from which those who seek reformation continue to derive benefit.

In the present era, Allâh Ta’ala has taken monumental work from my spiritual guide and master, ‘Ârif Billâh Hadrat Maulânâ Shah Hakim Muhammad Akhtar Sâhib dâmat barakâtuhum. He wrote answers to numerous letters which, apart from providing treatments for spiritual ailments, contain unique treatments for the destructive ailments of this era, viz. badd nazrî (looking at strange women) and false love.

 The treatments that he provides for these ailments cannot be found in the history of tasawwuf because the intensity with which these destructive ailments have manifested themselves in these times probably never manifested themselves in previous eras.

The manner in which Allâh Ta’ala is employing him to the task of treating these ailments is without doubt a revivalist contribution which is taken from the mujaddid (reviver) of the century.

 This aspect of lowering one’s gaze had disappeared from the people to such an extent that they did not even consider it a sin. Allâh Ta’ala employed Hadrat for this task and exposed the harms and destructions of this ailment to the ummah.

 Senior ‘ulamâ’ therefore acknowledge that Hadrat is a reviver of this teaching of “lowering the gaze” and the reviver of tasawwuf in this century. This is not a statement of anybody and everybody, but I personally heard it from certain senior ‘ulamâ’ of Pakistan, Bangladesh, South Africa and Britain. They say that the achievements of Hadrat demonstrate that he is the mujaddid of the fifteenth century.

 Furthermore, the tricks and plots of the soul with regard to false love and evil glances and the treatments for these are expounded by him in such detail, that an example of this cannot be found in the books of our elders.

The reason for this is that this is an ailment that is peculiar to this era, and which was not prevalent to such an extent and with such intensity in the past. Allâh Ta’ala employed Hadrat for the rectification of this monumental task. This is the bounty of Allâh Ta’ala which He gives to whomever He wills. 

May Allâh Ta’ala maintain the affectionate shadow of Hadrat for a long time to come, and may He enable his bounties and blessings to continue till the day of Resurrection. Âmîn.

If the inspirational prescriptions which Hadrat wrote to his followers for the treatment of evil glances and false love were to be collected, it is hoped that they will serve as beacons of light till the day of Resurrection.

The series “Tarbîyyat-e-‘Âshiqân-e-Khudâ” in the monthly periodical “al-Abrâr” was initiated for the benefit of the Muslim ummah and specifically for those treading the path [of tasawwuf]. This series still continues.

We request those who are connected to Hadrat and if they have such letters to make a photocopy of them and send them addressed to Hadrat, Khânqâh Ashrafîyyah Imdâdîyyah, Gulshan Iqbal, Block no. 2, Post Box 11182, Karachi, Pakistan.

We will only publish the “condition” and the “answer” and not the name of the person. If anyone still wishes, he could erase his name from the photocopy or original and send the letter to us.

The published letters and answers from “al-Abrâr” are now published in a book titled “Tarbîyyat-e-‘Âshiqân-e-Khudâ” for the benefit of all. May Allâh Ta’ala accept this work and may He make it a source of benefit for the Muslim ummah till the day of Resurrection. May Allâh Ta’ala make it a continuous charity (sadaqah-e-jâriyah) for the author – my spiritual guide Hadrat dâmat barakâtuhum – and for all those who helped in this regard.

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