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Tafsir Jalalain Arabic Pdf Download – Written by Jalal al-Din al-Muhalla, and completed by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti.


Tafsir al Jalalain Arabic

Tafseer al -Jalalain – English

This Quran exegesis is among the most popular books of Tafseer, especially in the Muslim countries where the Shafie school of Islamic jurisprudence is the form Madhahab. I think this is because the book was written by two prominent scholars of the Shafi school fiqh School of thought.

The first section of this great book was composed by Jalal Al-Din Al-Mahali, who began with the interpretation from Surat Al-Kahf to Surat Al-Nas in addition to Surat Al-Fatihah. Al-Suyuti began to complete the interpretation – Tafseer the part which was not interpreted by Imam al-Mahala. And that was from Surat al-Baqarah to Surat al-Isra.

Suyuti started at the beginning of the month of Ramadan in the year 870 AH and finished on the tenth of Shawwal of the same year.

Al-Mahali’s interpretation tended to be precise and considered, and Al-Suyuti took the same approach, he says in his introduction to the interpretation that he tends to “give a brief-expression by leaving out the lengthy unsatisfactory arguments, and Arabic linguistic related information that could be accessed from Arabic books.”

Some great features of Tafsir Jalalain Arabic

  • This great Quran exegesis is concise and precise
  • It focuses on giving the general meaning of the verse
  • It does not discuss scholarly arguments
  • It does not elaborate stories
  • Focuses on making the Quran as easy as possible
  • It is a portable book
  • It published mostly as simple comments on portable Quran
  • Quick and easy access
  • An many more

Downloading tafsir jalalain arabic pdf.

I will provide two versions of Tafseer al-Jalalain the one is in English which can be download from here and the Other one is in Arabic

The one in Arabic can be downloaded from my Arabic website so as the one English from Openmaktaba website that ca be accessed from the link below

The following is a list of some of the books written by the Author of Tafsir al-Jalalain – Suyuti

1. “Esbab-u Vurudi’l Hadis” (The Reasons for the Occurrence of Hadith): This book by al-Suyuti focuses on the reasons behind the occurrence of hadiths, providing insights into the context and circumstances in which certain hadiths were narrated. It sheds light on the historical background and helps readers better understand the development and transmission of hadith literature.

2. “History of the Umayyad Caliphs“: As the title suggests, this book delves into the history of the Umayyad Caliphs, providing a comprehensive account of their reign, policies, and notable events during their rule. It offers valuable historical information about one of the major dynasties in early Islamic history.

3. “Perfect Guide to the Sciences of the Quran“: This work by al-Suyuti is a significant contribution to the field of Quranic sciences. It covers various aspects of the Quran, including its revelation, compilation, language, interpretation, and recitation. It serves as a comprehensive guide for scholars and students interested in studying the Quran from a comprehensive perspective.

4. “Sublime Aspirations“: This book by al-Suyuti contains a collection of supplications and prayers, providing readers with a rich repertoire of spiritual invocations to connect with the Divine. It offers a range of supplications for different occasions, allowing individuals to seek solace, guidance, and blessings through heartfelt prayers.

5. “Unique Particulars of the Beloved Prophet“: In this work, al-Suyuti presents unique and distinctive characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad, drawing from various sources including hadiths, historical accounts, and spiritual insights. It offers readers a deeper understanding of the Prophet’s noble qualities, virtues, and exemplary life.

6. “Healing After Loss: Consoling the Bereaved“: This book by al-Suyuti focuses on providing comfort and solace to those who have experienced loss and grief. It offers practical guidance, emotional support, and spiritual insights to help individuals navigate the healing process after the loss of a loved one. It addresses the psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of coping with grief.

Check out all the books written by Imam al-Suyuti that are available on this website by clicking here

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