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The Manners of the Knowledge Seeker pdf download

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 The Manners Of The Knowledge Seeker
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Muhammad Raslan
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The Manners of the Knowledge Seeker written by Abū ‘Abdillāh Muhammad Sa’īd Raslān

آداب طالب العلم

Book contents

  • Purify your intention for Allah in seeking Knowledge   
  • Purify Yourself inwardly and Outwardly from That Which Contradicts the Shariah    
  • Completely Free Your Heart for Knowledge and Remove All Obstacles    
  • Eat Little, Be Cautious, and Constantly Remember Allah    
  • Eat, Sleep, and Speak as seldom as possible    
  • Reduce Socialization and Choose the Right Friends    
  • Choose What to Start with and Who to Teach You    
  • Have the Best Manners with Your Teacher?    
  • Treat Your Books Well    
  • How to Act During a Lesson


The author writes: It went east, and I went west – What a difference there is between the most and west!

One should also realize that these manners are not like any other manners, where it is the same whether you obtain them or not, or that they are all of one level. Rather, some of them are obligatory upon everyone everywhere, whether or not they are students of knowledge.

The purpose of attaining knowledge of the Shari’ab is to perfect one’s clarity of expression, and the purpose of perfecting one’s clarity of expression is to single out Allāh and worship

Him. Therefore, the purpose of seeking knowledge is to single out Allāh – the Mighty and Majestic – and worship Him and the message gets across much better when the one who has positioned himself to deal with this knowledge – whether he is a student or teacher – clearly shows these signs of singling out Allāh and worshipping Him by submitting completely to the pure Shari’ah and noble Religion.

Based on this, the manners of seeking this knowledge are completely inseparable from the person who deals with it, because this is what the texts show, and because these manners include vast principles of the Religion that are not within anybody’s luxury to contradict or look to without taking seriously.

And these manners are at all times a definite obligation upon the seeker of knowledge, and Allāh is the source of help, and upon Him is all reliance.

What follows is a collection of the manners that the seeker of knowledge must abide by:

Purify Your Intention for Allāh in Seeking Knowledge

Abu Hamid al-Ghazzāli (may Allahı have Mercy on him) said:

“Know that intention (niyyah), will (iradah), and goal (qasd) are various terms that all mean the same thing, and it is a description of the state of the heart when it is a source for two things:

Knowledge and action.

Knowledge comes first – as it is the foundation and condition – and action follows it, since it is the fruit that branches from knowledge. This is because every action – that is, every intentional movement and motion – does not occur without three things: knowledge, will, and ability.

Nobody does something without knowing of it. So, he must have knowledge.

Likewise, nobody does something without having the will to do it. So, one must have the will to do something, and the meaning of will (irädah) is that the heart reaches out to what it sees as being in accordance with what it seeks.

The human was created such that he sometimes does that which is in accordance with what his heart seeks, and sometimes does that which conflicts with what his heart seeks.

In such a case, he needs to draw near to that which is good for him, and to dove away what will harm him.

This requires that he know and understand what will benefit and harm him, such that he can bring this close and avoid that, since whoever does not see or know what food is cannot reach over and pull it towards him, and whoever does not see fire cannot escape from it.

So, Allāh has Created guidance and knowledge, and has provided certain means of attaining them and these are the external and internal senses.

So, intention is essentially the will and the act of reaching out to and leaning towards what one seeks, whether this occurs retrospectively or at the time of seeing what is sought after.

Therefore, the first step in one being pushed to do something is that he has a goal which motivates him to act, and goal is the target of one’s intention. One is pushed to go out and do something when he has a goal and intention, and directs his power and ability towards his goal by way of physical movement, and this is known as action.

Because of this, it is established in the Religion that Allāh – the Nighty and Majestic – does not accept actions except those that are done purely seeking His Face, and the Prophet peace be upon him) indicated the significance of the intention and the obligation of purifying it from what can corrupt one’s goal and nullify his action.

‘Alqamah bin Waqqas al-Laythi (may Allāh be pleased with him) said: “I heard ‘Umar bin al-Khattāb (may Allāh be Pleased with him) on the pulpit, saying “I heard the Messenger of Allāh peace be upon him) say: “Indeed, actions are by intentions, and for every person

is what he intended. So, whoever migrated to Allāh and His Messenger (peace be…..

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