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The Tawheedology Book pdf download

Book Title The Tawheedology Book
Book AuthorRayan Fawzi Arab
Total Pages63
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The Tawheedology Book


Book contents

  • Tawheed & It’s Types                                                     
  • Evidence of Tawheed                                                    
  • Shahadatan                                                                     
  • Shirk                                                                                 
  • Proofs Of Shirk                                                                
  • The Fundamentals of Islam & Nullifiers Of Religion                                                                             
  • Kufr “Infidelity”                                                              
  • Nifaq “Hypocrisy”                                                          
  • Al-Wala’ Wa Al-Bara’                                                      
  • Ibadah “Worship”    

(Shirk “Polytheism” & its types)

The All-Mighty Allaah says, in Surat Al-Hajj, V.73:

O people here is an example for you to listen to: The idols and the people being worshipped besides Allaah all together cannot create a single fly, and if the fly took anything from these idols or people being worshipped, then they would never be able to get it back. Both are weak, the seeker, the one being worshipped, and the sought, the fly itself.

The gigantic disease that has spread amongst the nations is what we will talk about today, the disease that all prophets were sent to rescue their people from, a disease that the devil blows into the hearts of his followers, it is something that we are in danger of falling into, it is a catastrophe for its followers, it is inevitable, it is something that will last to the Day of Judgment, and to the very moment

Israfil blows the trumpet, it is what we call in our language: Shirk, associating partners with Allaah, may Allaah protect us.

Shirk in English is polytheism, and that is the belief in the existence of more than one God. It is a duty for us to know Shirk, understand it, and study it well… so that we don’t fall into it.

Ibn Abbas said: (There were ten centuries between Adam and Noah where all the people had the Tawheed belief.)

So how did Shirk 1 appear on this Earth?

Sit back and hold on really tight to the feather of faith as we take a ride on the

wing of Islam and go back in time to the days of the very first Messenger Allaah

has ever sent, The Prophet Nuh.

 Before Nuh was sent, there were five righteous people named: Wad, Suwaa, Yaghuth, Yao’oq, and Nasra. These people had the Tawheed belief, and they loved Allaah much, when they all died, their people created idols of them and kept

these idols as a memorial for them, after many years have passed when the newer generations saw the idols they thought that these people were Gods, and that these idols must be worshipped.

Allaah then sent Nuh to those people to warn them about worshipping the idols, so when Nuh went to them he said:

“O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a Great Day!”

Nuh kept warning them for 950 years, but the people disbelieved, and only few of them ended up believing in Allaah, so Allaah commanded Nuh to build an ark and to put his followers on this Ark, and then Allaah saved Nuh and the believers, however there was not a single disbeliever on the surface of this Earth that lived after seeing Allaah’s punishment.

Shirk is the greatest  evil deed that Allaah hates, it is oppression  )ظلم(to one’s self, because the Mushrik is giving a portion of his worship to others who don’t deserve to be worshipped, and to that Allaah says in Surat Fatir, V. 13 & 14:

And those, whom you call upon instead of Him, do not own even a Qitmeer (the

thin membrane over the date stone). If you call upon them, they do not hear your call, and if (in case) they were to hear, they could not grant your request to you.

And on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them.

 Shirk Akbar VS. Shirk Asghar 
 Shirk AkbarShirk Asghar 
 Expels one from Islam.Does not expel one from Islam. 
 Causes the one who is committing it to remain in Hell forever.Does not cause the one who is committing it to remain in Hell- if he enters it all. 
   Nullifies all of the person’s deeds.Does not nullify all of the person’s deeds. Rather, the showing off and doing actions for the sake of worldly reasons only nullify the deed which they are mixed with. 
 Makes the blood (i.e. Life) & wealth of those who commit it lawful.Does not make these two things lawful for the Muslim to take. 

 Types of Shirk Akbar (Major Shirk)

The History of Shirk

Ibn Abbas (May Allaah be pleased with him) said: (There were ten centuries between Adam and Noah where all the people had the Tawheed belief.)

When did the Shirk 1st appear on Earth?

  • When the righteous people died, Noah’s people started worshipping them, and made idols out of them, and then Allaah sent Noah to invite them to Tawheed.

Appeared with Musa’s people:

  • When Musa promised his people that he will be back in thirty days, a man named as-samiree brought an idol to them, and convinced them that this idol is Musa’s God.

Appeared after Jesus:

  • When Isa (Jesus) was risen to the heavens, Paulus, a Jew, pretended that he was Christian, tricked the Christians, changed the true message of Isa, and so many followed him.

Appeared on Hijazi lands:

  • When Amro ibn Luhi brought idols to the (The Hijazi) Arab lands, he changed the Prophet Ibrahim’s religion, and commanded the people to worship the idols.

Appeared in this Ummah (Prophet Muhammad’s Alayhi Assalatu wassalam Nation):

  • When the Shi’a’s built on the graves, and created many innovations.
  • When the extremist Suffi’s took their scholar as lords.

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