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The Wahhabi myth pdf Book download

  • Book Title:
 The Wahhabi Myth
  • Book Author:
Haneef James Oliver
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  • Introduction 1
  • The Unfounded Misnomer 4
  • What is a “Wahhaabee”? 4
  • A Collection of Fallacious Fables 7
  • Myth: “Usamah Bin Laden is a Wahhabi” 7
  • Bin Laadin’s Connection to Soofism 7
  • Bin Laadin’s Absolute Adherence to Qutbism 9
  • The Existence of Qutbism as an Ideology 9
  • The Fundamentals of Qutbism 11
  • The Qutbists are the Khawaarij of the Era 16
  • The Menace of the Khawaarij 19
  • The “Wahhaabee” Scholars’ Warnings
  • about the Perils of the Khawaarij of This Era 22
  • Bin Laadin is Specified in These Warnings 22
  • Failing to Distinguish Between Orthodoxy and Contemporary Revolutionary Ideology 24
  • The Elementary Fundamentals of Salafism 27
  • Careful Consideration 27
  • Substantiation of Allaah’s Existence 27
  • Knowing Allaah by His Names and Attributes 31
  • Having Certainty That None is Worthy of
  • The ‘Wahhabi’ Myth
  • Being Worshipped Except Allaah Alone 31
  • The Opposition to True Monotheism 35
  • Those Who Adhere to True Monotheism Are Now Termed “Wahhaabees” 36
  • Steadfastness Upon True Monotheism 39
  • The Prophetic Principle of Rectification 41
  • The Clear Way of the Prophets and Messengers 43
  • Bin Laadin and the Islaamic Groups and Movements
  • Are Far Removed From This Clear Way 49
  • Repelling the Misconceptions 52
  • A Universal Way Not Subject to Change 52
  • Salafism is a Precise and Divinely Revealed Methodology 53
  • Misconception: Mankind Must Continually
  • Seek to Change Religion 55
  • A Complete and Conclusive Way From the Creator 56
  • The Call for the Unification of Religions 61
  • Misconception: Salafees Have Created Their Own
  • Understanding Regarding the Present Day People of the Book 61
  • The Pot Calling the Kettle Black:
  • Misinterpreting Verses of the Qur’aan 61
  • The Orthodox Belief Regarding the People of the Book 63
  • Relations With the People of the Book 69
  • Salafees Reject Treacherous Behaviour 71
  • Salafees do Not Hold Fringe Beliefs 73
  • The Truth is Not Always in Conformity With Our Desires 73
  • The One True God Would Only Send Down One Religion 74
  • The ‘Wahhabi’ Myth
  • The Name of This One Universal Religion 75
  • The International Scapegoat 77
  • Diverting the People From the Call of the Messengers 77
  • An Old Way Revived 78
  • The Muslim Groups and Movements Turn Their
  • Backs on This Truthful and Challenging Call 80
  • The Repercussions of September 11 83
  • A Just Word is Spoken 83
  • A Sincere Effort to Understand All Facets of Terrorism 84
  • Pinpointing and Defining Terrorism 85
  • The Salafee Scholars Strong Censure of Terrorism
  • Before and After September 11 87
  • Searching in the Wrong Places 89
  • Salafism is Free of What They Say 90
  • Appendix I: Knowing Allaah by His
  • Names and Attributes 92
  • Appendix II: How Real is al-Qaa’idah? 96
  • Appendix III: Contrasting Injustice and Integrity 101
  • Appendix IV: Are There Any “Wahhabees” Fighting
  • In Iraq? 103
  • Glossary 107


In the months following the September 11 attacks, I came across many articles dealing with Islaam, and in particular, the subject of “Wahhaabism”/Salafism.1 I was shocked to see the intensity of the ideological attack which was made by the media in their efforts to falsely claim that Usaamah bin Laadin and his al-Qaa’idah followers were adherents of Salafism. In an effort to repel these contentions, I drew up a letter for my Christian family, outlining the oversights, inaccuracies and blatant lies which could be found in some of these articles.

I have compiled some of these points which I had included in this personal letter to my family and expanded upon them, so that it may be a grounds for clarifying many of these unfounded accusations. My objective in doing so is not to deceitfully defend anyone or anything unworthy of defence, as Islaam commands that a Muslim speak a word of truth, even if it be against him or herself, or followers of the same faith. Rather, it is my objective to deal only with those issues which have been unjustly brought against Islaam and Salafiyyah (Salafism) in particular, as opposed to defending the actions of the contemporary “Islaamic” groups and movements, which have only aided those who wish to harm the Islaamic Nation.

Since September 11, many non-Muslims who had previously known very little about Islaam have come to know about some of its precepts. Although the major theme of the reports about Islaam has been quite negative, some journalists have actually educated their readers about Islaam by mentioning some of its true merits. Perhaps more people are now aware of the fact that Islaam is not just some kind of far eastern, mystical, idol worshipping religion, but rather, that it is a truly monotheistic religion which commands people with good manners and morals, and prohibits them from everything that is bad.

It is not my intention to discuss any of these issues, as there does not seem to be any real contention regarding most of them. Instead, it is my objective to try to examine the real points of controversy which have arisen, and to give the reader another perspective on some of these issues which they might never have been exposed to before. I have made every effort to avoid producing another book which is filled with opinion while lacking in textual proofs. Instead, I have tried to produce a book in which Muslims and non-Muslims alike will be able to reflect upon the directives of the Qur‘aan and the narrations (ahaadeeth)2 of the Prophet Muhammad ( e )3 for themselves.

Consequently, I have included many texts from the Qur‘aan and ahaadeeth in order to introduce

the reader to these sources and to substantiate what I have written. I also recognize that those readers who feel they know about Islaam without having considered its sources will most likely not be thrilled with this work.

In quoting verses from the Qur‘aan, I have avoided using archaic English as is found in some Biblical and Qur‘aanic translations, as it tends to render some of the subject matter obscure. Furthermore, it should be noted that Muslims do not believe that the Qur‘aan can be translated. As such, we tend to term this effort a “translation of the meaning” of the verses, as opposed to a translation.

In certain rare instances, I have included some verses from the Old and New Testaments for interest’s sake. Muslims believe in the scriptures that were given to the former recipients of revelation. However, they do not believe that the scriptures that are in circulation today amongst the present day People of the Book (Jews and Christians) are exactly the same as they were when they were originally revealed. Consequently, Muslims neither believe nor disbelieve in their contents, unless a matter can be confirmed by a verse of the Qur‘aan or a hadeeth with an authentic chain of narration.

The reader will notice that the word “Wahhaabee” is always indented with quotation marks. Those who are labelled with this word do not themselves use this term, as it is used as a means of belittlement. The reasons for the rejection of this term are clearly outlined throughout this book. The correct way of referring to them is by terming them Salafees, as they are those who adhere to the way of the Salaf (the Prophet Muhammad ( e ) and his Companions).

This book contains a basic overview of the monotheistic creed of Salafism and how it does not differ from the creed of any of the former Prophets or Messengers. It outlines the fundamental principles of the Salafee methodology, demonstrating how it is in fact the path which has been ordained to be followed in the Qur’aan. Having kept in mind that many readers might be new to the topic of Islaam, I have also made every effort to explain some of the issues of contention at hand in an uncomplicated manner. Consequently, footnotes have been added to make the book more understandable for all. The footnotes follow the method used by Muslim scholars throughout the ages, which gives the book a different feel.

This book contains a refutation of some of the claims that are made about “Wahhaabees” from various communities of people. I have concentrated on disproving the claim that al-Qaa’idah is a Salafee group, instead showing how they are a modern offshoot of one of the earliest and most dangerous of astray sects in Islaam, the Khawaarij.4 Most importantly, I have attempted to remove the bias of the critics who have cast an illusory shadow over the splendour of Islaam and the sacred Salafee methodology.

It is my sincere hope that this book will be a source of illumination for those who are seeking to avoid uncertainty and misinformation, and that it be a means of eliminating many misunderstandings which have arisen, particularly following the events of September 11. Haneef James Oliver

The Unfounded Misnomer

What is a “Wahhaabee”?

Unfortunately, some of the Muslims have been responsible for misleading others by calling anybody who contradicts their local customs, beliefs or innovated superstitions and religious practices as being a “Wahhaabee.” The term “Wahhaabee” seems to take on different meanings in different times and places.

This appellation is based upon the precept that a religious scholar by the name of Muhammad Ibn ’Abdul-Wahhaab had come with a new religion which contravened the norms of Islaam. Who was this man and what exactly did he write about?

Born in the town of ’Uyaynah in the year 1703CE (1206H),5 Muhammad Ibn ’Abdul-Wahhaab became disturbed with the religious practices of the people which contained polytheism, superstitions and sanctification of the saints and graves, all of which are in clear opposition to the Islaamic texts.

When writing his works, he concentrated on bringing the people back to correct Tawheed (monotheism)6 and adherence to the following of the Prophet Muhammad’s ( e ) Sunnah (way).7 As he was reviving the message of the Prophets, he faced many obstacles and hardships and was severely opposed for bringing about this call.

To this day, he is seen in many parts of the Muslim world as a deviant who had aimed to alter the religion of Islaam. This is a baseless lie, as any objective observer would note that most of his books are nothing but compilations of texts from the Qur‘aan and Sunnah with a minimal amount of his own wording between them. It is in fact these people whose forefathers had, over time, changed the religion from its original pristine form, and he was but a religious reformer who purified the religion of unauthentic elements:

The Messenger of Allaah8 ( e ) said, “This knowledge will be carried by the trustworthy ones of every generation; they will expel from it the alterations made by those going beyond bounds, the false claims of the liars and the false interpretations of the ignorant.”9

The position of the Salafees in respect to Muhammad Ibn ’Abdul-Wahhaab, is that he was a great religious scholar, just like the thousands who had already preceded him upon this goodness. His creed was the same as theirs, and he only became famous for his defence of this creed because he came at a time when these false practices were so widespread that he was essentially alone in his defence of the truth. Nevertheless, his beliefs, actions and statements are subject to examination, just as those of the thousands of Islaamic scholars who had preceded him are too, and it is not permissible for any Muslim to have partisanship for any particular scholar such that it would cause him or her to reject the truth which is contained within the Qur‘aan or the ahaadeeth of the Prophet :

“O you who believe! Do not put yourselves forward in taking a decision before Allaah and His Messenger; and fear10 Allaah. Verily, Allaah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.” [49:1]

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